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815 Ironwood Street North
Jerome, ID
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Adopt Me!
[No Name] #A1270
Male Dog
Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler - Chow Chow
Brown and White Speckled
Age: 1 year
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[No Name] #A1275
Male Dog
Golden Retriever
Gold and Gold Solid
Age: 1 year
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[No Name] #A1282
Male Dog
Yorkshire Terrier Yorkie
Red and Gray Bi Color
Age: 10 years
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[No Name] #A1288
Female Dog
White and Yellow Bi Color
Age: 6 years
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[No Name] #A1289
Female Dog
Brown and Gray Bi Color
Age: 10 years
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[No Name] #A1291
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier - Black Labrador Retriever
Black and White Bi Color
Age: 4 months
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[No Name] #A1292
Female Dog
Pit Bull Terrier - Labrador Retriever
Black and White Bi Color
Age: 4 months
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[No Name] #A1293
Male Dog
Pit Bull Terrier - Black Labrador Retriever
Black and White Bi Color
Age: 4 months
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[No Name] #A1295
Male Dog
English Mastiff - Boxer
White Solid
Age: 3 years
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Aberdeen #A1269
Female Dog
Pit Bull Terrier - Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler)
Red and White Speckled
Age: 5 months
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Athena #A1273
Female Dog
Labrador Retriever
Black Solid
Age: 1 year
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Delilah #A1261
Female Dog
Pit Bull Terrier - Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler
Red Merle and White Spotted
Age: 1 year
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Jerome Animal Shelter
Jerome Animal Shelter
Adoptable Animals: All (12)
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[No Name] #A1289: Female Dog
[No Name]
ID: A1289
Dog: Chihuahua (mix)
Gender: Female
Spayed: Unknown or N/A
Age: 10 years (approx.)
Color: Brown and Gray Bi Color
Size: Medium
Available now
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© 2025 Jerome Animal Shelter
Jerome, ID